DC Entertainment and Telltale Games are teaming up to publish a game titled The Wolf Among Us, based on the Fables comic series that runs under DC’s Vertigo imprint. Fables tells the story of fairy tale characters that have been forced out of the land of fairy tales.
The Wolf Among Us is set prior to the first issue of Fables, and lets the player play as Bigby Wolf, once known as “the Big Bad Wolf”. Bigby is now the sheriff of a hidden community in New York, exiled from the land of fairy tales, and tasked by Snow White to maintain order in a society of creatures trying to remain undetected in the everyday world.
Other characters featured in The Wolf Among Us is a chain-smoking member of the Three Little Pigs and a car-stealing Mr. Toad. The game is in development for the PC/MAC, Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network.
Published: Mar 28, 2013 09:20 am