Deadly Premonition director, Hidetaka “SWERY” Suehiro, recently paid a visit to Washington D.C. and Boston. Why? That’s a secret, SWERY says on his blog. He writes: “Well, there were various reasons, but I’m afraid I can’t tell you too much. Let’s just say ‘I was very interested.’”
In Washington, SWERY visited the Washington Monument (above), the Capitol, and the Lincoln Memorial. He then proceeded to admire the Whitehouse and the FBI headquarters. Following his exploration of Washington, SWERY proceeded to Boston, and promises to provide details of this trip at a later date.
He adds: “I only showed you pictures this time, so I wasn’t able to tell you much about what actually happened,but I’m sure there will be a point the future when you will think to yourself: ‘Now I get it! So that’s why SWERY went to Washington!’”
What’s SWERY been up to on the game side of things? Well, for starters, he’s working on Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut in collaboration with Harvest Moon creator, Yasuhiro Wada. The two also hope to develop an original I.P. together.
Published: Jun 21, 2012 10:45 am