genshin impact lost riches secret treasure clue

Where Does the Genshin Impact Lost Riches Secret Treasure Clue Lead You?

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

The Genshin Impact Lost Riches event has been pretty straightforward since it kicked off on January 8, 2021. After you meet Ulman at Liyue’s Stone Gate and get the Treasure-Seeking Seelie, you also get a book that periodically shows new locations to scour for treasure. However, on January 9, 2021, a Genshin Impact Lost Riches Secret Treasure Clue appeared and functioned more differently. While other hints showed the map and the name of the region, this one only to go to Brightcrown Canyon and showed a picture of a landmark. And since the special Seelie only works in the immediate vicinity, it might involve some work otherwise. Fortunately, the new reward isn’t too hard to find and, if you have Electro and Pyro characters, is pretty easy to earn.

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treasure seeking seelie quest book

First, the book is directing you to an arch with a bell on it and says Brightcrown Canyon. Now, where you actually want to go is just south of Brightcrown Canyon and north of Wolvendom, then head slightly west of the Brightcrown Canyon Statue of the Seven. If you’re seeing a lot of wild boars, you’re in the right spot.

Which is here, in this screenshot of my map below. (Yes, I know I have a lot of rewards to claim.)

brightcrown canyon

What is handy is, once you’re in this area, the Treasure-Seeking Seelie will begin working again. So you can go ahead and have it active, so you can better pin down the location of the bell. (Again, be careful, because there are a lot of boars here.)

genshin impact lost riches secret treasure 2

Once you dig at the glowing location, a Challenge marker will appear. At this point, I recommend switching to your Electro or Pyro character. Once you interact with it, one Hydro Abyss Mage and one Cryo Abyss Mage will show up. There’s no time limit to beat them, but you can’t allow yourself to be frozen more than three times. (Fortunately, there are no water sources nearby, but odds are you will still get frozen at least once.) If you have Diluc or Klee, both are very helpful. Having Beidou, Keqing, and Razor in the party is also handy.

klee abyss mage Genshin Impact Lost Riches Secret Treasure Clue

You won’t get any Iron Coins for Ulman from this Genshin Impact Lost Riches Secret Treasure Clue quest. However, when it is over you will get the three Hero’s Wit to level up characters, 30,000 Mora, six Mystic Enhancement Ores to improve your weapons, and 60 Primogems.

Genshin Impact is available for the PlayStation 4, PC, and mobile devices, with a Nintendo Switch version on the way. The Genshin Impact Lost Riches event will run until January 18, 2021.

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Image of Jenni Lada
Jenni Lada
Jenni is Editor-in-Chief at Siliconera and has been playing games since getting access to her parents' Intellivision as a toddler. She continues to play on every possible platform and loves all of the systems she owns. (These include a PS4, Switch, Xbox One, WonderSwan Color and even a Vectrex!) You may have also seen her work at GamerTell, Cheat Code Central, Michibiku and PlayStation LifeStyle.