How to get Supercell Slam TM 210 Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC
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Where to Find Supercell Slam TM in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s The Indigo Disk brought with it a slew of new moves and TMs for players to find. Supercell Slam is one of the new TMs, which players should consider in The Indigo Disk.

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How to get Supercell Slam TM 210 Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC
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How to get the Supercell Slam TM 210 in The Indigo Disk

Supercell Slam is one of the TMs in The Indigo Disk, otherwise known as TM 210. It is possible players may be able to find this TM hanging around on the ground in the Terarium in the DLC, but this is random and unreliable. Instead, your best bet is to craft TM 210 for yourself at the TM machine.

To do this, you need the following three items:

  • 3 Elekid Fur
  • 2 Blitzle Mane Hair
  • 5,000 League Points

The 5,000 League Points are pretty easy, as you can get these by just interacting with the Tera Raid Battles you find throughout the open world. Once you get these items, you can craft this Electric-type move, which has 100 power, 95 accuracy, and 15 PP.

How to get Supercell Slam TM 210 Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC
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Where to find Blitzle Mane Hair and Elekid Fur

The main problem with crafting TM 210 Supercell Slam is finding the two material types. You can get Elekid Fur by either defeating or capturing any Elekid or its evolutions, Electabuzz and Electivire in The Indigo Disk. All three of them can be found all through the Canyon Biome in the southwestern corner of the map. You should also look in Chargestone Cavern for plenty of them.

On the other hand, you can find Blitzle and its evolution, Zebstrika, in the top right corner of the southeastern biome, the Savanna Biome. Defeat or capture them to get some Blitzle Mane Hair. Once you have all of these materials, there is an easily accessible TM crafting machine in the Central Plaza of the Terarium.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and The Indigo Disk DLC are available exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

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