One of the major sidequests in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is pseudo-mandatory if you want to get every beach outfit for all of the party members, and it has to do with taking photos of Cactuars. Here’s every location of all the FFVII Rebirth Cactuars in Costa del Sol and where to take a photo of them.

Costa del Sol Cactuars #1 Location
The first location (marked as such on the main screenshot above is near the water in the southeastern area). You want to look for the worker who notes you are getting warmer. From there, look for the red fire extinguisher on the sidewalk and you’ll see the little Cactuar here.

To take a photo, press up on the D-Pad. At this point, you then need to zoom in to the right zoom amount (or pretty close) until it lights up green. When you see it is green, you are good to go to take a photo of the Cactuar. You’ll know you’ve got it when your “partner” for this side quest talks to you about it.

Cactuar #2 Location
The second location is right near some boulders. You want to look up at the furthest boulder away for a massive Cactuar here, as seen in the above screenshot. Take a picture of it at the right zoom level and then it is time for the third one.

Costa del Sol Cactuars #3 Location in FFVII Rebirth
The third Cactuar is the northeasternmost one on the map. This one is right on the sign for the Surf & Suntan location where you need to head next for the main story.

Cactuar #4 Location
The fourth and final of the Costa del Sol Cactuars in FFVII Rebirth is on the pier on the eastern side of the map, as seen in the above screenshot. You want to go to the left pier (northern one if you’re using the map) and look out to the water to find the final Cactuar in the spot in the above screenshot. Return to the NPC who gave you this quest when done to receive your reward.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available right now exclusively for the PS5.
Published: Feb 29, 2024 07:15 am