After a short but troubled life, Square Enix MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV, is being taken offline. In honour of the occasion and the game, Square Enix released an “End of an Era” cinematic trailer that shows the Eorzean Alliance taking a last stand against the Garlean Empire:
Square Enix aren’t killing Final Fantasy XIV, though—they’re rebooting it as Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, which will be a complete ground-up overhaul that addresses many of the game’s issues.
A Realm Reborn is currently in alpha-testing, and Square have said they’ll bring Final Fantasy XIV back online for players that want to play it until A Realm Reborn launches. You can find videos showing off A Realm Reborn below:
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Video Demonstrates Character Creation
Explore The City Of Gridarnia In This Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Video
Final Fantasy XIV May Let You Ride Red XIII In The Future (And Other Info)
Published: Nov 11, 2012 10:30 am